Extending Equinox p2 for (fun and) profit

I've had the honor of being selected as an Ignite speaker at EclipseCon France 2015 to talk about how we are extending Equinox p2 for use in our CodeWarrior offering.

The slides

The video

The abstract

The goal of this talk is to share our experience in making things happen between clicking on Help - Install New Software and Finish and how the features we developed evolved from one another.

The talk will present an overview of the following custom Equinox p2 actions, as well as how they integrate into shipping both an Eclipse based IDE and enabling future updates.

The following custom actions are treated:

1. Freescale Install - enabling placing the binary contents of extensions outside of the Eclipse home folder and ensuring that even files that are write-locked get updated
2. Freescale Copy - a faster Freescale Install by disabling the write-lock check and acknowledging the caveats that come with this
3. Freescale Remove - at uninstall make sure that all binary files added using Freescale Install or Copy are correctly removed
4. Freescale Execute - allowing execution of files during the install phase, on both Linux and Windows
5. Freescale Merge - XML files are fun and useful, and at times they need to be updated.
6. Freescale Process Check - conditional installation denial based on running processes
7. Freescale Common Deploy - installing features and plugins outside of the Eclipse location